Wednesday 20 June 2012

How To Wear: Blush

Hey, its Elle (123Elle321) so for my first post I'm going to show you how to wear blush, in my opinion, properly.
Before I start, I want to say that no offense is meant and that I'm not trying to say that I put my blush on perfectly or anything.

Here's how I normally put my blush on.
So as you can see, it's not even close to perfect. But anyway, my point being, that putting blush on your cheekbones give it a more sophisticated and classy look (even in real life).

I use "Flame Red Blush" that probably looks really dark when you're putting it on, but when you've saved it in and look at your medoll in your suite - it looks fine.

Here's my attempt at recreating the photo above (poor attempt I know)

I'd like to apologize, that this looks nothing like the photo above :s but anyway. Moving on.
After I use the blush to "highlight" the cheekbones, I use this function:
 Apologies, but I don't know the name of this function. 
Anyway, I have underlined the color I chose and what percentage I put it at to create this:
You can clearly see the difference.
I personally thinks it highlights it way more and gives a more dynamic effect.
Again, that's just me.

Now moving on.
Here's how to not to do it.
If you don't find anything wrong with this then you're probably one of the few who actually do this.
Yes I have actually seen a Me-doll do her blush like this.
Not only does it look ridiculous but I shall give a more explanatory reason to why you shouldn't this.
First of all, it gives the cheeks/cheekbones no perspective or depth at all.
And it looks like you have two red pom poms on your cheeks or something. So, unfortunately, unless you're Pikachu - this does not look good.

So that's your lesson today.

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